October 22, 2024

About Brian

Hello, I am Brian Smith. I was born in Maywood, Illinois a western suburb of Chicago in the United States of America. I grew up and currently reside in Hillside, Illinois what could be considered the hub of Chicagoland. Hillside is the location of the infamous "Hillside Strangler" which is often considered to be the worst traffic bottleneck in Chicago. It is very close to the junction of I-88, I-290 and I-294 where I consider home. Hillside is a small town population-wise with under 10,000 residents (living) but it is relatively large area-wise containing two of Chicago's largest cemeteries.

I went to school here in Hillside most of my life, pre-school was at Proviso West High School, then Kindergarten through 8th grade was at Hillside Elementary School, and finally I returned to Proviso West High School for my four years of High School. I then went to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Triton College, before diving head first (or was it dragged?) into the work force.

I've worked at a number of jobs over my life. My first job was a computer lab assistant at Triton College when I was in High School. Then I got a job in downtown Chicago working at the now defunct Connie Computers Inc. I worked miscellaneous computer related jobs before starting Target Technologies with my friend Kang Soh, which is now also defunct. Before starting my DBSoft Consulting business which has been going on and off for the past 6 years or so, I also did work for Century Computers during this time. I was hired by SciTech Software and I moved to Chico,California in 1999. I was then hired by F/X Communications in 2000 and moved to Holbæk, Denmark in 2001. In 2003 I became part of Silver Shooters and hope that this business is very successful.

Some of my general interests are of course computers, art, basketball, rollerblading, tennis, running, crime dramas, comic books, fantasy stories, TV, theater, movies and most genres of music.

Over the course of my life I've learned that there is nothing more important to me than friends and family. So I just wanted to take a moment and recognize some people that have had a tremendous impact on my life.

First of all my family is wonderful, my parents (Jim and Lucy) are the best and most influential people in my life and my debt to them is immeasurable. My sister Valerie is an exceptional person, and also one of my best friends. My Grandmother Smith is one of the most strong and stable people I've ever met. My Grandmother O. is the most caring and generous person I've been exposed to, and my Grandfather O. was my greatest teacher. My Aunt Vicky and Uncle Dick are pillars whom I look up to. My Uncle Scott and Aunt Bonnie are the most fun to visit. My Uncle Chuck's sense of humor strikes a chord with me. My Aunt Wendy and Uncle Tom are like great friends, more than relatives. Uncle Tom and Aunt Judy are whom I look to when the family needs to find something fun to do! Cousin Ted is who I would go to for business advice. Cousin Glenn is where to look when you need to find somewhere or something fun to do Internationally, where will he go next? My cousins Ryan and Mathew are the sportsmen; they seem to play more sports than I knew existed.

Next I'll move on to my friends. Narayan is probably my oldest friend I still keep in contact with, I met him Freshman year of High School. I hope he and his wife Helen have a spectacular married life. Vidas is probably the friend I have most in common with and I love his unusual sense of humor! Bob is probably the most fun to hang out with even when we are only watching TV, I think he and Magda will do great together! Greg and Karla, I'd like to think that I had something to do with them getting together since they did start going out on my homecoming party from Denmark! Jen, one of my ex-girlfriends but one of my closest friends is continually keeping me on my feet with her wonderful stories of life. Jeff is a great person, who shares a lot of my same views on life, government and general cynicism, I hope things start going better for him soon! Geoff is one of my greatest influences musically and artistically and I think he is wonderful! Gary for being a great teacher of anything creative.

Brian Smith